BIG-HEARTED members of the community splashed out on Sunday to raise funds for charity at the Woking Rotary Swimathon.

More than 300 people took the plunge to help the event, which has raised more than £150,000 in the last 11 years.

The event is open to teams of up to six swimmers, who swim for a total of 55 minutes between them in their own lane, with each member getting sponsorship for the team.

Organiser Terry Smith said: “This year we are supporting more charities – the Mayor’s charities, Your Sanctuary and Women’s Support Centre, Woking and Sam Beare Hospice, Transform Housing & Support, Horsell Village School (Outdoor learner-centre), Samber (Riding For the disabled), Woking Street Angels and Woking Shop Mobility.”

For the full story and pictures, get the 17 October edition of the News & Mail