A new state-of-the-art £45 million NHS adult mental health inpatient service has opened in Chertsey.

Silverwood is run by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and has 64 ensuite bedrooms across four adult mental health wards. It has been designed in partnership with people who have experience of using mental health services and will support adults across Surrey and North East Hampshire.

It is on the St Peter’s Hospital campus and replaces an outdated mental health unit that was demolished in 2022. The build has been funded under a government scheme to eradicate dormitory accommodation from mental health facilities. The new service will help to significantly cut the Trust’s use of privately contracted beds and means residents can be treated and cared for closer to home.

Graham Wareham, chief executive of Surrey and Borders Partnership, said: “Silverwood will provide a safe, spacious and therapeutic environment that I am sure will support people with their recovery. It will also provide staff with a fantastic place to work.

"The input we've received from people who have used mental health services has been invaluable in helping us to offer an environment and facilities which will truly meet the needs of people using the service.”

Silverwood will support adults with severe or acute mental ill health. Offering a range of therapeutic spaces including a music room, art room, sensory room and spirituality room and each ward has its own garden.

There is also an outdoor sports area, a fully-equipped air conditioned gym and access to a woodland walk to support both people’s physical and mental health. Inpatients will be able to control the lighting and heating in their rooms to promote wellbeing.

People will be gradually transferred from contracted beds to Silverwood over the coming weeks and an official opening ceremony will take place in due course.