Art certainly does work at Brookwood Art Group (BAG) – every Friday morning and at events near you. 

In early June, the group displayed an impressive gallery at Pirbright Village Fete and sold 11 paintings. On the following Saturday at Brookwood Primary School, the annual summer fete was brought indoors. Undaunted and safely under cover, a trio of talented BAG artists produced quick portraits of children. 

With their special expertise, using various media such as charcoal and pastels. It resulted in delighted little ones waving their pictures in the air, showing them to friends and relatives. It offered them something different. 

You will be able to see more of BAG’s work on Saturday, July 27. Weather permitting, paintings will be on the railings outside Lord Pirbright’s Hall, where the Pirbright Horticultural Society Show will be held.

BAG accepts members of all levels and abilities. For more information, visit