ENGINEERS have started installing a new water main along Littlewick Road in Knaphill, which should end the risk of bursts tearing up the highway surface.

The road will be closed to through traffic for up to eight weeks while an ageing pipe is replaced.

Meanwhile, the busy A322 Guildford Road at West End was due to open yesterday (Wednesday) following repairs to a burst water main and damaged gas main in the road.

The cast iron main along Littlewick Road has fractured five times in 18 months, causing thousands of gallons of water to flood into homes and gardens on each occasion.

A planned replacement of the 60-year-old pipe started this week, ahead of schedule. Work on a new main work was originally due to be finished in October but should now end in September.

The latest burst was on Friday July 26, causing havoc just five days after the fourth fracture. That closed the road to through traffic and it has not been open since.

For the full story get the 8 August edition of the News & Mail