LITTLEWICK Road will be closed for at least two more weeks, as work on replacing a water main along the highway over-runs its target date.

The Knaphill road was due to re-open to through traffic in mid-September, following five serious bursts in the pipe in 18 months.

It was closed after the last rupture, on July 26, during which several thousand gallons of water were lost and several homes and gardens flooded.

Affinity Water now says the new main should be working by the middle of October, replacing the 60-year-old cast iron pipe with a modern plastic version.

A spokesman for the company said: “We have had to design and install a unique connection to join different-sized water mains, which require robust testing to ensure it can handle the pressures needed to supply water for the area.

“Rest assured, this work is absolutely essential, to ensure the local community is provided with a reliable supply of water for many years to come and to minimise the risk of bursts occurring in the future.”

The July 26 burst was just five days after the fourth fracture. The previous bursts were in July last year and in January and February 2017.

For the full story get the 3 October edition of the News & Mail