Some strange experimental science landed at Woking’s Buzz Theatre when LinkAble’s drama group The ActAble’s put on their own performance.

The production Mayhem in Paris: An Extraordinary Scientiferic Adventure. Followed the story of scientists as they decided to go on holiday to get a break from their day-to-day life in the lab. En route, they meet magical Disneyland characters, annoying tourists and a fancy French waiter!

The group created their own characters, programme, set and props, and the script, before bringing the play to life. LinkAble was short of some of the funding it needed so Rotarians stepped in to help.

Rachel Hudspith, who oversaw the production on behalf Linkable said: “We’re really grateful to Woking District Rotary Club for their generous contribution towards our costumes and props for the show. Made all the difference to our cast and the play gave them all a huge opportunity to show what they can do.”