A retirement village in Chertsey is to be amongst the first to benefit from a scientifically proven method for improving the way we walk.

The innovative WalkActive method is being introduced at Homewood Grove. Following a collaboration between Rangeford Villages and Joanna Hall who is behind the technique.

It follows recent publication of a large-scale prospective study in Osteoporosis International. It demonstrated a significant correlation between a longer duration of daily outdoor walking and reduced osteoporosis risk among older adults. “Everyone knows that keeping active is important in later life,” Joanna said. “But WalkActive is much more than a gentle stroll after lunch.

“With the techniques we’ll be teaching at Homewood Grove, residents will be able to walk using techniques that will reduce joint impact and increase speed by up to 24%.

“Combined with the accessibility of walking as a form of exercise. Will help them move better, feel healthier, and smile more.

“Being part of a supportive WalkActive community can work wonders for mental health too. It’s our aim to not just add years to people’s lives… but add more life to their years too!”

Walking is strongly associated with a host of physiological benefits, such as reduced blood pressure, cholesterol and hypertension, along with mental health and wellbeing.

There is also evidence of a link between higher daily step counts and a reduction in all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality.

CEO of Rangeford Villages, Howard Nankivel added: “This will greatly contribute to the vibrant, healthy lifestyles our residents enjoy.”