A ST JOHN’S man, whose wife has multiple sclerosis, has raised nearly £100,000 for the MS Society’s Surrey Group over the past 16 years.

In his latest fundraising effort, Trevor Gregg recently presented the group with a cheque for £17,813.56 after hosting two golf days at the New Zealand club in Addlestone.

Trevor was inspired to start fundraising after his wife, Anthea, received an MS diagnosis in 2001.

Anthea initially struggled to cope and was reluctant to ask for help. However, after she attended a local MS Society group everything changed.

Trevor said: “Anthea was devastated when she was diagnosed with MS. She became very depressed and shunned any form of help – it was a difficult time. Eventually she decided that she needed to speak to someone, and reached out to her local MS Society group.

“Meeting other people who were going through the same thing was life-changing. They helped her to accept her condition, and she came out of her depressive state.”

Inspired by the difference the group made to Anthea, Trevor decided to start fundraising for them and in 2007 began hosting an annual golf day.

Last year, the event was cancelled due to coronavirus so Trevor hosted an online auction, raising £5,000.

“Neurology services are struggling and money is tight, so the support and services that MS Society local groups provide are vital,” Trevor said.

“It gives me such a sense of pride to give back to the people who’ve done so much to help my wife. That’s what drives me.”

The MS Society’s local groups bring together people living with MS, and their families, to provide friendship, emotional support, and information about living with MS.

Martin Mears, head of community and events at the MS Society, said: “It’s incredible to hear about the difference the MS Society has made to Trevor’s wife, and we’re so grateful for the staggering amount of money he has raised over the years.

“MS can be relentless, painful and disabling, and, as Trevor and Anthea know, sometimes it can feel hard to cope. But Trevor’s hard work and commitment is helping so many people across Surrey access much-needed support.”

* FOR more information, visit www.mssociety.org.uk/get-involved