Rest isn’t an optional extra, even for God!

After completing his work of creation, he chose to rest.  He blessed that “seventh day”, establishing a priority for us to set aside time for a regular and planned break from our day-to-day routines of work and service.

But we’re not always good at switching off, are we?  God knows that and David obviously experienced some divine intervention in his life when writing “He makes me lie down in green pastures”; not invites or suggests but makes!

Sometimes things happen in life that make us stop, perhaps an injury, a short illness, or simply a cancelled activity.  It happened to me late last year and I know that through that time, God “restored my soul”.

But it’s probably better to follow God’s example in the first place, regularly laying down our self-inflicted burdens and taking on his “easy and light yoke” for our lives.

So, let’s intentionally set aside time to rest and reflect; surely what’s good enough for God must be good enough for us!

Robin Willison

Welcome Church