Help! We need a new hockey rink

I am writing on behalf of Avalanche inline hockey club, we play inline roller hockey at the Lord Roberts Centre in Bisley.

We are contacting the surrounding areas with a plea for help – our rink has been closed with immediate effect, mid season. Our league, BIPHA [British Inline Puck Hockey Association] South have released a statement, but this affects more than just our league. Nearly 2,000 players use this rink throughout their season.

For some background, BIPHA South has released a statement which reads: “It is with great sadness and shock we have to confirm that the National Small-bore Rifle Association (NSRA), who run Bisley Roller Rink at the The Lord Roberts Centre (LRC), have closed the roller rink with immediate effect.

“The league received an email advising that the rink will not be put back up after the annual February shooting competition.

“The only reason given is that the NSRA and LRC do not wish to continue supporting roller hockey. We have been advised that this decision will not be reversed.”

So, where do we go now?

This is where you come in: roller hockey needs your support.

We need people to know about this and we need a new home. Here are some ideas:

Can you help us find a new home? Do you know of a warehouse or large space that can be used?

You can contact your local newspaper and social media community platforms with photos of you playing.

Write to your MP and / or councillors and tell them about what has happened and that it has devastated the sport.

Look up Sport England community contacts and tell them. Ask for their help.

The more we can spread the news, both in communities, regions and countries, the better.

Get your children to ask their headteacher and sports department to write to their local councillor.

The closure is about far more than the effect it has on BIPHA South. Other organisations have used the rink and it was about to be the venue for U19 trails for a Great Britain squad in April.

Then there are people who come to a pay and play session which is run there for those who are not in a team.

One regular user of the rink has a brother with Aspergers and the sessions gives him a place to come and play inline hockey without the pressure of competitive games.

There was a rink in Bordon, in Hampshire, but that closed about a year ago when the site was demolished for housing.

There really is nothing in the south, which is why we are trying so desperately to find a suitable place for a rink.

This rink is so important to so many.

I hope you will be able to join our cause and help us find a new home.

Oliver Kidd-Nash
