Pyrford and Wisley Village Show 2024
Colourful entries were on full display at the show (Pyrford and Wisley Village Show) (Pyrford and Wisley Village Show)

Despite a damp start to the day, this year saw the largest turn out for the Pyrford & Wisley Village Show. 

Thousands of people went to experience the Big Top Circus Extravaganza with The Black Eagles Acrobatics headlining the arena events.

Following tradition, the show was opened by the mayor of Woking Cllr Louise Morales, who was joined by Woking MP Will Forster.

Pyrford & Wisley Village Show 2024
Louise Morales and Will Forster with members from the show's committee (Pyrford & Wisley Village Show) (Pyrford & Wisley Village Show )

“Yesterday was the ever fantastic Pyrford & Wisley Village Show where I joined our newly elected MP Will Forster,” Morales said post-show.

“I had a go at a small golf game, visited the many stalls, including Pyrford Neighbourhood Forum put together by a horde of volunteers.

“Including and best of all, admired the hundreds of entries into the show from floral arrangements, fruit, vegetables, handmade items and childrens entries on the theme of circus. 

“A really enjoyable afternoon.”

Pyrford & Wisley Village Show 2024
Some of the art entries at the show (Pyrford & Wisley Village Show) (Pyrford & Wisley Village Show)

This year saw a record number of stalls, comprised of local charities, businesses and schools. Plus a variety of food vendors that you will have to go back next year to try the ones you couldn’t squeeze in.

Hundreds of people flocked to the arena to watch the acrobatics display and other performances from local schools and dance groups. Pyrford Little Theatre performed their circus show, which included firing someone out of a cannon.  

The other side of the show saw live music performed on the stage throughout the day. This Is Queen got the crowd going wild, singing One Vision and We Will Rock You. They certainly didn’t disappoint and it was an incredible way to finish off what was another amazing Village Show.

The committee thanks the army of volunteers who gave up their time. Whether it was to set up or help out on the day. They said: “Without volunteers to help there would be no Village show.”

Pyrford & Wisley Village Show 2024
Committee members enjoy the show after their hard work putting it together (Pyrford & Wisley Village Show) (Pyrford & Wisley Village Show)