The Woking Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club hosted the Dame Deborah Charity Cup in support of Woking & Sam Beare Hospice.

The ladies charity tournament was renamed to honour ex-club member, Dame Deborah James. She joined the club 30 years ago with her brother and sister when they were children, and her mum, Heather, still remains a member.

“The Hospice cared for Deborah at the end of her life,” said Sam McPherson, charity co-ordinator at the club. “With her family connection here, it seemed fitting to remember Deborah in this way by naming the cup after her.”

When finding a new trophy, secretary Julia Betts suggested a rose bowl-style trophy as an association with the Dame Deborah Rose. Sam managed to find a silver-plated rose bowl on Facebook.

When speaking to the seller, she heard how the owner had found it whilst clearing her dad’s house, he died from prostate cancer.

“I lost my beautiful mum aged 54 to a brain tumour, and last year, I lost my dad to prostate cancer,” said Krista, the owner of the rose bowl. “I’m delighted the bowl will go to such good use.”

Members and non-members were treated to a morning of tennis, followed by lunch and a speech from Heather about the wonderful care Deborah and the family received from the Hospice. The tournament was won by Deborah’s sister Sarah.

Sarah said: “It was lovely to win it this year, as it’s been named in Deborah’s honour. Although I do feel a bit like I shouldn’t have done, as I even forgot my racket this morning when I arrived. I ended up having to use the coach’s racket, so maybe that helped with the win!”

A total of £1281.20 was raised for the Hospice, equating to 14 visits to a patient by community nurse specialists.