A CANDIDATE named Stephen is Labour’s hope in the September 17 by-election.

After winning a long battle challenging Lib Dem Councillor Mohammed Bashir in a High Court case to prove electoral fraud − after losing to him by only 16 votes − Mohammad Ali is not able to stand this time, but is now acting as the agent to hopeful Stephen Tudhope.

Mr Ali is 100 per cent behind him and said: “I fully support Stephen in his campaign. He is an ideal and trustworthy candidate who is capable of representing the residents of this ward.”

Stephen (left) said: “I am proud to call Maybury Hill my home and am now seeking the support of fellow residents in the Maybury and Sheerwater ward to represent them on Woking Borough Council.

“I have worked as a management consultant for 10 years, advising businesses and public sector organisations how to become more efficient, cost-effective and productive.

“If elected, I want to bring this experience to my work as a councillor and will make it my top priority to scrutinise every single taxpayer penny spent locally.

“I will be a thorn in the side of the Conservative-run council and fight to ensure that money spent in Maybury and Sheerwater is focused on the priorities of residents and not wasted on pointless and costly schemes.”

Stephen said he will also focus on striving for a decent wage for those in the lowest-paid jobs.

He added: “I strongly believe in the benefit of hard work and have been closely involved in launching the campaign for a Surrey Living Wage, to ensure that work pays for those who make the effort each morning to get out of bed and go to the very lowest-paid jobs.

“I will continue the fight to ensure that people who are willing to put in hard work can expect a decent wage in return from their employers.”

He also says he will boldy speak out on residents’ behalf, as he exp-lained: “If elected I will be a strong and committed voice, who Maybury and Sheerwater residents can count on to fight their corner on the council, ensure money is spent wisely on local priorities and who will always support those in our community willing to do the right thing.”

A trustee of Woking’s Mosque and former Labour borough councillor of eight years, Mohammed Ilyas Raja, said: “We need active, effective people like Stephen on the council.”