A young wildlife enthusiast’s annual fundraising event for WWF is rapidly approaching. Ten-year-old Jacob Tang’s lemonade and bake sale will be on Sunday (14 July) from 11am to 1pm in front of the Knaphill Fish Bar.

“And we are adding something special this year,” says Jacob’s mum, Soo Liew. “There will be a digital piano for anyone who would like to show everyone their musical spirit. If you play any other musical instrument, bring it along! Everyone is welcome.

“We discovered Jacob’s confidence grew after performing to the public, so we thought of creating this opportunity for children to experience playing musical instruments in front of a crowd.

“We hope to raise more than a thousand pounds again – his last three fundraisers have made a total of £3,262.

“The lemonade stall will be run by children, selling freshly squeezed lemonade and homemade cupcakes, cookies and brownies. There will be £1 per entry  to our ‘Guess the number of the animal figurines in the jar’ for a chance to win an amazing WWF hamper.

“We will also be selling beautiful handmade wooden crafts such as bird feeders, home decorations, coat hangers and plant tags generously donated by UsefulWood.org in Woking in support of Jacob’s fundraising. 

“Hopefully, everyone in the community will turn up to generate more donations, as well as raise the awareness of climate change.

“We believe we all can create a world where humans and wildlife thrive together.” 

Anyone unable to attend on the day can donate on www.justgiving.com/fundraising/jacob-tang or into the collection boxes inside Knaphill Fish Bar.

All proceeds from the event, plus all the money from the collection boxes in the shop, will be counted on the day. The total amount raised and the winner of the guessing game will be announced on the Knaphill Fish Bar Facebook page.