THE Last Post sounded out in Knaphill at 11am on Monday for the village’s Armistice Day commemoration.

Ruth Moore, from Woking District Scouts, played the traditional bugle call as the generations gathered for a two-minute silence at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

The traditional Remembrance observation was part of the annual service and wreath-laying organised by the village churches, including Knaphill Baptist Church, St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Church and Holy Trinity Church.

Those who gathered at the war memorial in High Street included children from Knaphill Junior and St Hugh of Lincoln schools and representatives from the Army Training Centre at Pirbright.

Roger Furnell, who organised the event on behalf of the churches, said: “It is good that we remember the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy today, and I was pleased to see the children take an active part in the service.”

See Thursday’s 14 November edition of the News & Mail for Remembrance Service tributes around the local area