A WOKING woman in her first year as a bodybuilder has qualified for the World Championships in Canada in November.

Kim Valente, founder of the popular Squat2Fit fitness group, will compete against the best from across the globe in the women’s physique category in Toronto on November 12.

In a remarkable rise through the ranks, Kim entered her first competition only in May, and won, then continued her progress on Saturday at the UFE (Ultimate Fitness Events) European Championships in London – walking away with three gold medals.

“I am now European champion in three classes – women’s physique, women’s figure and fitness model,” Kim said. “Now it’s on to Canada.”

Not, though, before Kim gains more competition experience.

“I’m going for the Supernaturals in Birmingham on 9 October, that’s with the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation.

“If I do well there that could open up a place in a competition in Los Angeles.”

Kim, a personal trainer, was a distinguished track-and-field athlete but decided on a change of disciplines when her competition plans were thwarted by the pandemic.

She decided to set herself a new challenge, one that would test her versatility as an athlete, and entered a bodybuilding competition.

“I was a sprinter and long jumper, so had strongly defined muscle. I still train as an athlete, it’s just intensified.

“As an athlete you just go out on the track and do it, as a bodybuilder you show off the work that you’ve done.

“I’ve come on so much since May, it’s like having a different body. You find out more, then you go back and work on any weaknesses.

“I’m three years off 50 now but I’ll never stop learning. You always have to grasp that opportunity to learn, even elite athletes always want to find out more.”

Much as Kim is enjoying her new-found success, she has one reservation.

“It’s not a cheap sport,” she said. “People think it is, but it’s not. You can easily be looking at £400 for a bikini, maybe up to £1,000.

“Then there’s the tanning, the photography, that’s another £500. Plus the entry fees, the travel, it soon mounts up.

“What I’m really hoping is that I may get some sponsorship. Maybe I could work with some local supplement suppliers or sporting companies. I’m starting to get a profile now. We could help each other.”

For the moment though, Kim has just one thought in mind: first Birmingham, then the world.

ANY local company or businesses interested in sponsoring Kim should email [email protected] or call 07913 295405.