PUT your daily exercise to good use and help others at the same time, is the idea from Kelly’s Storage Charity Events.

Unable to hold their usual live fundraising events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the company is staging Kelly’s Run Together Apart and Kelly’s Walk Together Apart – virtual events that anyone can do on their own while social distancing.

Entrants can sign up online, set a target distance to complete by the end of May, then run or walk on their own wherever, whenever and whatever distance. The miles are recorded and accumulate until the target is reached when a certificate of achievement is awarded, with a range of challenges to choose from: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Ultimate.

The challenges can start anytime but need to be completed by the end of May. There is no entry fee for the virtual events but entrants can choose to donate to one or more of four local charities; Woking & Sam Beare Hospice, Challengers, Cherry Trees and Oakleaf.

“This is such a fantastic initiative and something that will keep us all occupied while in lockdown,” said Kerry Bennett, marketing and communications director at the hospice.

“We are very grateful to Kelly’s Storage Charity Events for choosing us as one of the beneficiaries at a time when our team are working hard in support of our NHS colleagues as we care for some of the most vulnerable patients in our community – thank you. ”

To enter either of these events or to donate or sponsor an entrant, visit [email protected]