A YOUNG wildlife enthusiast has raised £1,020 for Woking-based WWF.

Nine-year-old Jacob Tang ran a home-made lemonade and cake stall outside his parents’ fish and chip in Knaphill, selling 175 home-made cupcakes and brownies, freshly-squeezed lemonade, tickets to win a WWF hamper, WWF soft toy key rings, pin badges and wooden crafts donated by The Useful Wood Company in Woking.

Jacob’s mum Soo Liew said: “Jacob is so grateful for all the efforts and kind donations, and 100 per cent of the money is going to support WWF. 

“He would also like to thank all the customers who have donated throughout the year in the shop.” 

His efforts have been recognised by WWF and he is now the official face of the WWF magazine and their official fundraising campaign.