THE Neonatal Intensive Care Unit team at St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey, were out in force this month, raising awareness of World Prematurity Day and fundraising for the dedicated NICU charity, Little Roo.

They raised £849.36 from a cake sale in the main reception area of the hospital, a tasty treat which proved popular with staff and visitors alike.

It is estimated that one in every 13 babies in the UK is born before 37 weeks, so staff, parents and even Abbey Wing, the maternity building at St Peter’s, went purple – the colour of prematurity – as a striking reminder of the impact babies being born too soon can have on families.

In Surrey, the only hospital with the appropriate staff, equipment, skills and experience to provide the highest level of intensive care for premature babies is St. Peter’s Hospital.

The Little Roo Neonatal Fund was set up by a team of doctors, nurses, parents and support staff to assist the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, both in terms of equipment and to send staff for specialist training that the NHS cannot fund.

To support the NICU charity, please visit the Little Roo Neonatal fundraising page: For anyone wishing to support the charity through a fundraising event, please call Sid Hurry on 01932 722386.

For the full story get the 28 November edition of the News & Mail