THE Horsell Scouts and Guides May Fayre has been moved forward nearly a week to make way for celebrations to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.

The 42nd May Fayre at the Wheatsheaf Recreation Ground was to have taken place as usual on Bank Holiday Monday, but this year the Spring day off work and school has been moved to Friday 8 May.

This will begin a three-day weekend to mark Victory in Europe Day on 8 May 1945, when the Allies formally accepted Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender, marking the beginning of the end of the Second World War.

The Scouts and Guides May Fayre will now be held on Sunday 3 May from 11.45am to 4pm.

It will be themed around the contribution of the Scouts and Guides during the Second World War.

Alongside recognising the war effort, the May Fayre will include Ridgside Lurcher Racing from County Durham, dancing from the Summerscales Performers and a dog agility competition.

Food and drink will include beer from the local Thurstons brewery and the music tent will feature the Bracknell and Wokingham Community Band and the Guildford Rainbow Choir.

For more information, call Richard Mackie, Horsell Scouts and Guides May Fayre chairman on 01483 715290 or 07801 545847.

For the full story get the 5 March edition of the News & Mail