THE RSPCA has reunited a cat with her owner after six years, thanks to the pet’s microchip.
RSPCA Millbrook Animal Centre in Chobham received a call from a member of the public, who had seen the cat straying in Shere, Guildford.
Fortunately, she was able to catch the cat, who appeared friendly, and brought her into the centre the same day, Tuesday 21 January.
After scanning the black female cat for a microchip, staff found an email address for an owner and realised she must be a missing pet.
Ysella Sims, who now lives 160 miles away in Exeter with husband Glen, was shocked when, by chance, she was checking an old email address just days later and saw the message.

Ysella lived in Shere at the time the cat, called Hicks, went missing in June 2014, but had moved house over that summer in preparation for relocating to Devon.
Hicks was taken to the new house but then went missing, and despite many attempts to find her, the family resigned themselves to making the move without her.
Ysella said: “I couldn’t believe it when I saw the email, I was just in shock. It’s not what you expect after six years, but of course we were all delighted.
“I am so pleased I had her microchipped and would like to encourage other pet owners to be vigilant about keeping their details up to date.
THE RSPCA is asking for nominations to celebrate animal champions. Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond for animal welfare? Or an amazing animal who helps humans or shown true bravery?
For more information, and to tell your story (in a minimum of 180 words), please visit: Nominations close on Thursday 13 February at 4
For the full story get the 6 February edition of the News & Mail