THE magic of Surrey’s heathland entranced people of all ages during a series of events aimed at highlighting the importance of threatened countryside and wildlife.

Walks and roadshows were staged during Heath Week by the Thames Basin Heaths Partnership (TBHP), to celebrate heathland at locations such as Chobham, Horsell, Ockham and West End commons.

“Our team of wardens and volunteer guides set out to make as much noise as possible with a week of free family events,” said the partnership’s communications officer, Sarah Bunce.

“Heaths and commons across this part of Surrey are under threat from several directions, from air pollution to nearby development, wildfires to global warming. One of the best ways to make sure they’re protected for the future is to tell everyone about them.”

Heath Week included sessions to introduce butterflies, insects, reptiles, birds and other creatures to the public, as well as a history walk on Chobham Common.

“If you missed out, we’ll be doing it all again next year, so put a date in your dairy now,” said Sarah. “Heath Week 2023 is the last week of July, when you can have some fun and inspire our children to love the heaths, so they’ll be here for future generations.”

TBHP is a partnership of local authorities, land managers and nature conservation bodies. Its work covers a special protection area for wildlife that covers more than 20,000 acres of heathland in Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire.