THE sun pulled in a record number of punters to Horsell on Saturday afternoon for their  annual Village Show.

Fun, games and entertainment were just some of the attractions that hauled in the crowds to the event at Horsell Junior School, while a plethora of cups, trophies and prizes were up for grabs for the lucky competition winners. Entries by both adults and children came in competitions for Best Fruit and Veg, Flowers, Floral Art, Cookery, Handicrafts, Photography, Art, and even a category for Fun and Novelty.

Horsell Community Choir, Chobham Morris Dancers, Punch & Judy, WWF-UK’s Polly Panda and Wey Radio put on entertainment, while the children joined in with Maypole dancing. There was also the Great Horsell Bake Off, craft stalls, Pimms and burgers, a bouncy castle, a coconut shy, the ever-popular face-painting, and more fun and games.

Meanwhile, some refreshing homemade lemonade on tap went down a treat with the thirsty visitors, as did Tony Welbelove and his team who demonstrated the art of wood turning.

Next year’s Horsell Village Show will be on Saturday, July 25.