SEND and Transition students at Brooklands College are making the most of their new upcycling club.

They are enjoying the overall aspects of launching a project, from designing the logo to advertising the initiative.

Items have also been donated to the students to upcycle, the first set being benches for the local Elmbridge community.

“We believe that this type of club will be so beneficial to learners, as they will gain new experience and skills such as teamwork, problem solving, communication, health and safety, as well as the hands-on work they will be involved in,” said Kate Evans, Brooklands College Learning Support Assistant.

“Our learners have shown great interest and eagerness to be a part of this project.”

The club is beginning with Send and Transition students but a rollout throughout the college is being examined.

After tackling benches for the community, the students’ next project is to upcycle a mud kitchen, which would then be donated to a local nursery.

The aim is for the learners to gain confidence and self-esteem, together with the satisfaction of transforming pieces into something new.

To support the upcycling club by donating items, email [email protected].

For more information, visit and search for Send and Transition.