A RUNNER from Woking is to take part in his first half marathon, inspired by a charity helping children with a rare genetic condition.

Roberto Villalobos will be raising money for Harrison’s Fund, which funds research into Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).

He is stepping up his act to run the 13 miles of the Surrey Half Marathon next month.

Roberto, 26, said: “I started reading about Harrison’s Fund and thought it could be great to support this cause. No children should have to face such a big health challenge.”

The Esher-based fund was set up in 2012 by Alex and Donna Smith, after their eldest son, Harrison, was diagnosed with DMD.

A life-limiting condition, it affects all the muscles in the body, causing them to waste away. Harrison now has to use a wheelchair to get around and his parents are hoping the charity can find an effective treatment or even a cure. Roberto, who is originally from Spain, added:

“It’s my first time trying to complete a half marathon, and my first time raising funds for a charity. I hope I do them proud."

Harrison’s Fund is currently funding 16 research projects in the US and the UK. Its events fundraiser, Laura Morgan, said: “It’s wonderful to hear from people like Roberto how much our cause resonates with them.

She added: "We want children with Duchenne to have hope for the future.”

The Surrey Half Marathon is on Sunday 10 March, following a route from Woking Park to Jacobs Well and back. To sponsor Roberto, search for his name at www.everydayhero.com/uk

For the full story get the 21 February edition of the News & Mail