More than 800,000 A-level results were revealed to anxious students across England on August 15.
Woking College pupils were amongst them and celebrated an excellent set of results this year. With a 99 per cent A-level pass rate and a 99 per cent BTEC pass rate. It was the 15th year the College gained results above the national average.
Celebrations onsite were attended by delighted students with the vast majority gaining their first choice places at university and high level apprenticeships.

University places were gained at Imperial where student Atizaz Hassan gained a place to study Medicine. Joined by Mark Parmalis, who gained a place to study Aeronautical Engineering.
Carla Manning will study Natural Sciences at Durham, Bath has gained Ana Clarke and Sophie Towers who will study chemistry.
Warwick University is where Rebecca Healy will study Ancient History and Classical Civilisation and Lucille Trojanovich will study French and Linguistics at Manchester University.

Principal Brett Freeman commented: “Our role as a sixth form college is to enhance student’s life chances and life choices and I am delighted that we could all work together, so successfully, in achieving those aims.
“We should take time to consider that studentship is not just about grades, it is also about the whole college experience and especially the massive range of extracurricular activities we offer.
“Allowing students to stand out from the 100’s of thousands of other students completing their A levels each year. The vast majority of our leavers will now be taking up their places at university or on high level apprenticeships.
“I know that their positive attitude which has driven them to a wonderful set of results will have further enhanced the skills, abilities and mind set they will need to negotiate the transition to higher education and their early years of employment.”