WOKING were dealt a major blow late last night as it emerged that Giuseppe Sole will spend at least 12 months on the sidelines.

The Cards' prolific striker seriously damaged his right knee in a challenge with Dartford's Nathan Collier in the 1-0 win at Kingfield last month.

He will play no further start this season and will not feature again until the start of the 2013-14 campaign.

DevastatedSole told the Woking News & Mail: "It is a bit of shock as I was expecting to be out no longer than a month.

"But Stuart Douglas picked up on the injury and realised that it wasn't healing as quickly it should have been. I went for a scan and obviously we got the bad news.

"I can't really do anything now except stay positive and look forward to next season."

Sole had been in light training just two weeks after hobbling off against Dartford, but experienced significant discomfort when trying to change direction.

A scan revealed the awkward collision had separated the lateral collateral ligament from the bone.

Specialists confirmed a simple procedure could repair the damage and surgery was booked in for Monday (September 10).

But Sole will require an additional operation after it was discovered that his anterior cruciate ligament had also suffered trauma.

The second operation will push back Sole's return to action by three months.

Kingfield's record-breaking cult-hero is doing all he can to stay positive.

He added: "Either way I was going to miss the rest of the season - nine months or 12 months, there's not much difference when you're out for that long.

"I'm trying to keep positive and I'll find myself something to do - I'll be watching a lot TV.

"But I'll still be around the club on Saturdays supporting the team, 100 per cent.

"The reaction on Twitter has been fantastic and my phone has been going mad, I've had a lot of support from the fans"

He also paid great respect to the club who moved immediately to authorise the funding of treatment.

Sole said: "I just wanted to say a big thanks to the board, the chairman, Garry Hill, Steve Thompson and of course Stuart who haven't cut any corners.

"I'm in for the operation on Monday and I only had the scan last Wednesday, they've really been on top of everything - I appreciate everything they've done for me.

"I've spoken to the gaffer but there's not much to be said, that's just football and that's life sometimes."