CINDY Barnes has been honoured for her 28 years as a Girlguiding volunteer in Surrey at a ceremony at Hoebridge Golf Club.

She was given the prestigious Laurel award and presented with a specially-designed brooch in honour of her inspirational efforts by Sally Christmas, chief commissioner of Girlguiding’s London and South East England region (Laser) on 22 February.

The date marks World Thinking Day, the annual celebration of the birthday of the first Chief Guide, Lady Olave Baden-Powell.

Cindy first became involved in guiding when she joined 2nd New Haw Guides as an assistant leader in 1992 and has volunteered ever since, helping to provide exciting opportunities for girls and young women.

After 13 years as assistant leader with the Guides, Cindy spent 15 years as unit leader and has held a range of other roles both locally and regionally for Girlguiding. They include 18 years at commissioner level, as district commissioner for New Haw, division commissioner for Weybridge and county commissioner for Surrey West. She is presently the commissioner training co-ordinator for Girlguiding Laser.

 Cindy’s highlights with Girlguiding include running week-long summer camps for 2nd New Haw Guides and her involvement in a number of large-scale events, including hosting two international camps as Surrey West county commissioner with visiting Guides from countries including Japan, Nigeria and Cambodia.

Cindysaid: “I’m extremely proud to receive this award.  Volunteering for Girlguiding is such a rewarding experience and it’s been wonderful to work with so many girls and young women over the years and see the difference guiding makes to their lives."

For more information about volunteering with Girlguiding, visit The charity welcomes volunteers of all backgrounds, ages, cultures, faiths and abilities.

For the full story get the 5 March edition of the News Mail