LAST Thursday we and all our neighbours clapped for the NHS, carers, and volunteers who are doing everything they can to support those in need, writes John Ashcroft.

Recently, a leaflet dropped through our door – and those of our neighbours – offering help. All we had to do was leave a note out the following day.

There was a name on the leaflet, Karen, and a phone number. We left a note saying we did not want anything, but thanking her for such a generous offer. But that didn’t seem enough. The following day I phoned her.

Her name is Karen Rennger. She told me she was speaking with people who were housebound and desperate for basic necessities. Because of her and her colleague volunteers, a host of grateful residents were now having their shopping picked up and dropped onto their doorsteps.

“My father passed away last week,” said Karen. “So we, like many families around the country – and unfortunately many more to come – will just have to put the grieving on hold.

"So during this time, from a personal point of view, I am finding these opportunities to assist others extremely rewarding. I’ve just had a phone call from a lady who has to self-isolate for medical reasons. She is desperate for general supplies.

“People are so grateful for a phone call or someone to pick up their shopping. They have said such nice things, it really lifts spirits. And that is just what I need personally.”

Last Thursday night we all clapped for Karen, too.