THE EXCITEMENT of being able to hold a live show ensured a fun-filled evening at the 1st Knaphill Scout Group biennial Gang Show.
They returned to the stage after COVID restrictions had prevented them doing live shows for the last two years and they took the opportunity to include as many skits and jokes as well as music as they could to keep their audience entertained.

The Beavers had been preparing for the show since January, making their own costumes and practising the songs. They started with a shadow puppet display followed by dinosaur action songs and a dinosaur rap.
Beaver Samuel said: “I really enjoyed doing the shadow puppet show. I was quite nervous before it started, but it was great fun. I enjoyed watching the Cubs and Scouts too.”
The Cubs captivated the audience with their contribution of sketches, magic tricks and joke-telling while the Scouts provided some more traditional skits as well as a Harry Potter sketch finishing with a guitar medley.

Older Scouts Hannah, Seth and James took on the roles of co-producer, creative director and lights & sound respectively.
Group Scout Leader Tracey Daniell said: “It was wonderful to see our older Scouts take on organisational roles, a great example of youth-led Scouting. Everyone performed with great stage presence and self-confidence to a very appreciative audience.
“We were delighted to be able to stage the Gang Show & get everyone together after the restrictions of the past couple of years. It was quite emotional when everyone joined in with a rousing rendition of ‘Riding along on a crest of a wave’, the traditional end to a Scout Gang Show '