Brooklands College and Cala Homes (Thames) have been given the green light on joint plans that will deliver 320 new homes in Weybridge and secure the long-term future of the college.
The plans, which were granted full planning permission by Elmbridge Borough Council’s planning committee, will see Cala Homes provide a £45m investment to Brooklands College in return for land on which part of its new Brooklands Grove development will be built.
The investment will be used to secure the long-term future of the college by helping it finance its debt obligations. The funds will also be used to allow the college to comprehensively upgrade teaching facilities across its Weybridge campus.
Cala will build 320 new homes under the plans, 40 per cent (128) of which will be available through affordable tenures, including First Homes, shared ownership and affordable rent.
The site’s historic Grade II listed Brooklands Mansion will also be regenerated to deliver 15 new apartments under the plans, restoring the historic mansion to its former residential use.
Additionally, the plans include a new purpose-built SEND facility for the college as well as a new sports centre, which will be available both for the college and community use.
Overall, the application received 236 letters of support throughout the consultation process and fewer than 25 objections.
Christine Ricketts, principal of Brooklands College, said: “The redevelopment of the site marks a significant moment in the college’s history and the campus will be transformed over the next two years, allowing us to provide exceptional facilities for students, staff and the community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has supported our plans.
“Cala Homes has been instrumental, and our exceptional partnership working has enabled us to work together on the redevelopment project for the benefit of our community. These are exciting times for Brooklands College, and we have a bright and thriving future ahead.”
John Richards, land & planning director at Cala Homes, said: “This really has been joint effort to bring forward a fantastic new development that genuinely meets the needs of the local community.
“Our new homes will help meet housing need in the area and our plans also secure the long-term future of Brooklands College to ensure it can continue as a vital educational establishment not only for Weybridge but for Surrey as a whole.”
A new community hub will also be built under the plans and 12 hectares of woodland will be unlocked for public use too, 10ha of which will be a new publicly accessible suitable alternative natural greenspace.
This will be combined with measures including new bird nesting features, bat boxes, invertebrate and native tree planting as part of Cala’s Urban Wildlife Strategy.
Mark Wilkinson, head of development consultancy at LSH, who advised on the land sale, added: “The site is exceptional. It will provide a wonderful living environment in a sustainable location, immediately adjacent to Weybridge train station and a short walk to the High Street.”
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