A WESTFIELD woman is working hard to keep owners together with their pets as the cost of living crisis tightens its grip.

Jane Harding runs a pet foodbank, Fur and Feathers, to distribute donated food to pet owners who are struggling financially, reducing the chance of them having to hand the pet to a rescue centre.

The RSPCA recorded a 24 per cent increase in pets being abandoned between January and July last year, against the same period the previous year, a trend which prompted Jane to launch her pet foodbank.

“We began in August last year,” she said. “So many people were having to part with their pets that we couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.

“There is a Fur and Feathers Facebook page, which keeps us in touch with those who need us, and we receive new people all the time through word of mouth.

“At first there were some we felt may be taking advantage of us, but my mum, Vera, who helps me run the foodbank, has a pretty good sense of who is being truthful about their circumstances.”

Jane relies on donations to keep going. Most of her stock comes from animal-loving private individuals, but she reports less success with bigger commercial chains.

“That’s something I’d like to change,” she said. “I’ve approached some locally but not really got anywhere.

“People are really generous and I can’t thank them enough, but you have to remember that the cost of living crisis works both ways, and that our donors are also starting the feel the pinch that bit more.

“They are apologetic that they can’t give quite as much this month, maybe, but prices have gone up and the pet food is a little more expensive.

“You can get caught between donations going down while the demand for what we’re trying to provide is going up.”

There have been some close calls, none closer than at New Year when Jane posted that January could be the last month that they could supply food as donations had dried up.

But the goodwill evident on Jane’s Facebook page came to the rescue as donors stepped forward and narrowly averted the worst.

“We try to give out food to cover three to five days over a fortnight, although for someone with a lot of pets that will work out less.

“We can cater for cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, all the most popular pets, but one thing I can’t deal with is reptiles, I’m afraid. Their diet, I don’t know…” Jane’s voice trails off.

She is soon, though, back on track.

“And if anyone has any pet equipment, such as dog or cat baskets, we’re always happy to take them too,” she added.

For Jane and her small team, including her own boisterous dog Ollie, or a more formal Oliver if he’s in, well, the doghouse, the mission remains as important as ever.

To donate or to request food for your pet, call 07539 966769, or visit the Fur and Feathers Facebook page.