TEN women who take part in an outdoor fitness group in Woking have signed up for a gruelling obstacle race to raise funds for Shooting Stars Children’s Hospice.

The Squat2Fit group is led by instructor Kim Valente, who is also a medal-winning athlete.

Kim and nine of the group have entered the 5k-13 Obstacles Tough Mudder Challenge in London on 9 May. The event combines a race through mud with obstacles that are designed to play on common fears, such as fire, water, electricity and heights.

Kim said: “This event is a real test of your mental strength, determination and, most importantly, teamwork.

“We have chosen Shooting Stars Children's Hospice as our charity because of the amazing work they do in caring for babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions.”

The group is hoping to raise £500.

Kim, who won the women's long jump at the British Masters Outdoors Athletics Championships in 2018 will be in the GB team at the European Masters Athletics Indoor Championships in Portugal from 14 to 21 March. She will take part in the women's 60m sprints and long jump.

To donate to the team, visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/squat2fit.

For the full story get the 30 January edition of the News & Mail