A GROUP of Pyrford residents became so infuriated by a council’s failure to cut grass verges around their homes that they decided to do the job themselves.

Helen Webster said: “I sparked it off as I had just put my house on the market and the first potential viewer cancelled their application after having a look around the surrounding roads and general area.

“Despite Surrey County Council’s promises that the verges would be cut in April, they have not been mown for months. 

“There was some talk about ‘No mow May’ to do with encouraging wildlife.

“However, residents are beginning to feel it is more about money than preserving nature.

“So I put out a message on the road’s WhatsApp group asking if people would be willing to attack the task themselves.

“We agreed on Saturday as a day to be getting on with it. 

“However, I thought I would make a start myself on Thursday with my battery strimmer.

“One neighbour, Noel, noticed I was struggling and came to help with his petrol mower. 

“Then another neighbour, Nathan, emerged with a petrol strimmer. 

“My battery strimmer was quickly running out of charge so it was great that others helped.

“Over the following few days, several neighbours joined in, one with an old-fashioned sickle which worked better than anything electrical. Those who didn’t feel able to actually join in with the cutting provided bags or space in their green bins. 

“There was a great community spirit and completing the task gave a great sense of satisfaction to those who had become frustrated with the council’s lack of action. And, of course, the saying sprung to mind, ‘If you want something done, best to do it yourself’.”