SEXY, sassy and strong...Moll Flanders is an extraordinary woman with an extraordinary life and she’s about to be brought to life on stage by WAOS (Woking Amateur Operatic Society).

Based on Daniel Defoe’s novel, their production of Moll Flanders tells how she is taken away from her mother, is married five times, a baronet's mistress, a plantation owner and a professional thief.

Her adventures go from rags to riches, from Colchester to the USA, and back to England, via Bath, Liverpool and London, and a few prisons in between. And if this was not enough, there is a goodly selection of larger than life characters waiting to be brought to the stage.

Moll Flanders will be at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre, Woking, from Tuesday 7 May until Saturday 11 May. It will be directed by Martine Young, with musical direction by Ian Peters and choreography by Elizabeth Loveder.