ENVIRONMENTAL campaigners have asked Woking’s MP to support new legislation designed to drastically reduce carbon emissions and restore biodiversity.

Members of Extinction Rebellion Woking delivered a letter to the constituency office of Jonathan Lord, seeking his support for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (CEE).

The letter was part of a campaign by the CEE Bill Alliance to increase MPs support for the bill ahead of its second reading in Parliament on 12 March 2021.

The proposed legislation, a private member’s bill that was drawn up in consultation with leading academics and scientists, presents precise proposals for cutting carbon emissions and restoring biodiversity. It also calls for a citizens’ assembly to be formed, to help engage the public in the initiative.

This bill was tabled in Parliament on 2 September and has been backed by 82 MPs from seven political parties. No Conservatives have so far supported it.

Extinction Rebellion Woking member Louisa, a renewable energy consultant and a mother of two, said: “We need to act now, as actions speak louder than words. No more procrastination from the government.

“We need to put the health of our planet and our children's future first. This is a higher purpose and it's not about party politics.”

Member Andrew, an engineer from Pyrford added: “There’s no quick fix for climate change. Valuable time has been wasted and urgent action is required immediately.

“With Glasgow hosting the UN Climate Change Conference, COP26, next year, the world is watching to see what the UK does next.”

In a reply to the letter, Mr Lord described the CEE bill as headline-grabbing, but extreme and impractical. “I believe that the Government's approach is the correct one and I will continue to support it,” he said.

“I can assure you that tackling climate change is one of this Government's core priorities and I am proud that the UK was the first G7 country to legislate a goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

“Achieving zero emissions by 2030 is almost certainly impossible, but even a misguided lunge to try to achieve this would be hugely disruptive, damaging to many businesses and to our economy and our standard of living.

“Climate change is an emotive issue, but one where a cross-community consensus will be required to ensure the UK achieves a transition that works for all.”