STUDENTS at Woking High School staged their production of Shrek the Musical Jr to rapturous applause. 

Since February, students have rehearsed weekly and on two weekends to prepare. 

One hundred students were involved in the final production, in an array of jobs to bring the production to the stage over three remarkable performances.

Students sourced props, developed costumes, prepared technical equipment, participated in front of house and performed in the band. On stage, students acted, danced and sang with true sparkle.

All of this was done with the magnificent support of the talented staff who gave up their time and shared their talents to bring the production to life. 

The mayor of Woking, Cllr M Ilyas Raja, joined the audience, and to open the show there was a message of good luck for cast and crew from film producer David Furnish, who is also CEO for the Elton John Aids Foundation and manager and husband of Sir Elton John. 

Mr Furnish’s kind words reiterated the message that Shrek the Musical Jr embodies; that there is power in celebrating individuality, just as the fairytale creatures sing “What makes us special, makes us strong”.

The Woking High School band presented a musical number to celebrate the story of Shrek. 

A spokesman said: “The project was a delight for all involved. 

“Production week presented an electric buzz within the school community, and the final production was a reflection of the high quality of talent at Woking High School.

“Students have developed skills in leadership, confidence, resilience, communication, self-discipline, and, above all, creativity. 

“It was a joyful experience and one the students will never forget. Congratulations to all involved.”