WALLS inside Barnsbury Primary School have been smartened up by volunteers from Woking Borough Council during a community action day.

The council staff took up paint and brushes and tackled the walls in the school’s main corridor on Monday last week.

They were taking part in an initiative organised by Woking Community Matters Partnership Project (CMPP).

The school applied to the CMPP through its website for help and charity lined up a crew of its corporate volunteers to carry out the decorating.

Barnsbury’s deputy headteacher, Louise Hammond, at said: “The walls along the main corridor were looking very tired and were in dire need of decorating. However, with school budgets shrinking rapidly, this task hadn’t been prioritised.

“The school now looks much smarter and inviting to the children, staff, parents and visitors.

Not having to use the school budget for the work means the children can still access vital resources like new reading books. The volunteers from the council were very enthusiastic and worked hard on the decorating. Our thanks got them.”

The council’s democratic services manager, Frank Jeffrey, added: “It was great to be able to help the school through direct support, working with the excellent premises manager. Everyone enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to the next project”

Emma Thompson, the CMPP’s community action day co-ordinator said: “We are so pleased that the team from the council enjoyed their community action day. It really is a great way to team build while helping such a great community project.”

“Well done to all the volunteers for all their hard work. Thanks also to Barnsbury School for inviting CMPP to find corporate volunteers to help.”

To find out more about Woking CMPP’s corporate volunteering scheme, email [email protected].