A HORSELL teacher has created a set of preschool educational activities to help parents and grandparents teach children at home.

Halcyon Manton describes her Peggy Orange sets as “preschool in a box” with eight activities based on the Early Years Framework.

Halcyon has been on extended maternity leave during her pregnancies with Leila, 4, and Brae 1. She has been home-schooling her daughter and started sending out weekly emails to friends who were struggling with how to keep their children occupied and learning at the same time.

“They said,  ‘you should do something with this’ and so I launched Peggy Orange,” Halcyon said.

The name comes from her Caribbean grandmother, who referred to cutting oranges into “pegs”.

“My mission is to support other mums, parents and even grandparents, with my all-in-one monthly educational activity box for their 3 to 5-year-olds,” Halcyon said.

“The box provides them with the tools and confidence to support their child’s early education at home. I want to ensure that every child has the chance to start school with a love of learning. I believe my boxes provide a real lifeline to parents, especially during these challenging times,” she added.

Leila and Brae have both been doing the activities.

“They are my guinea-pigs and Leila calls herself Peggy Orange,” Halcyon said.

“I get all the material together, buying some craft items and printing out material and then box them up and deliver them. Leila likes to come with me – she loves it.”

Halcyon’s husband Timothy gives support when his work as a project manager in the sports industry allows.

The Peggy Orange boxes have received glowing reviews with local mum Katy saying: “So well thought out and my daughter absolutely loves the activities. With a newborn, time is precious so it’s so nice to have some activities pre-made for when we do get one-on-one time. Even better that they are educational at the same time.”

Emma, another local mum said: “Myself and my pre-schooler look forward to receiving our Peggy Orange boxes, and he can’t wait for ‘learning time’. I especially like the ideas of how we can extend play, as that’s where I usually run out of steam.”

For more information, visit www.peggyorange.co.uk look for @peggyorangeuk on social media or call 07908 523337.