A SHARED love of the bright and beautiful from gardeners and artists continues to create a dazzling impact for travellers using West Byfleet Station.

Led by local artist Nathalie Beauvillain Scott pupils from Fullbrook’s Year 8 helped create a vivid new mural opposite the station’s ticket office to replace the tired old one.

The initiative is thanks to West Byfleet Community Gardening Group, which has been working over the last two years to revamp the station and Birch Green with wildlife-friendly plants.

The gardening volunteers are often seen at work in their South Western Railway pink tabards and locals frequently stop to chat and give their support either with thanks or by donating plants from their own gardens. They have also seen a steady growth in volunteers.

“Funds for the mural have been secured through SWR Sustainability Funding to re-do the art work,” said Louisa Abrahams, a founding member of West Byfleet Community Gardening Group. 

“Without this generous funding the mural wouldn't have been possible. The old mural was a superhero, but its days were over. It was cracked and unrecognisable. New ideas for the mural centre on the themes of nature, local wildlife, community and travel. It's a really exciting time now everything is coming together.”

On behalf of the group, Louisa commissioned Nathalie, who has created many murals in the community, from a shortlist of three and liaised with Fullbrook School Art Department to bring some of its students into the community project.

The WBGG welcomed the inspiring designs by Year 8 art students, reflecting the themes perfectly. Meanwhile, Nathalie made several visits to the school over many weeks to work on the project with teachers and pupils. 

Ten volunteers turned up at the station on 28 June – scrapers in hand – and filled in the cracks with cement and scraped off peeling paint. Nathalie then started her work on 11 July, just as the heatwave sent temperatures soaring.

On 15 July some of the Year 8s and their teachers joined in and, under supervision from Nathalie, painted sections of the new mural.