HORSELL Village School staff will walk 18 miles across the Surrey Hills today to raise funds for the school and celebrate its 170 years.

Styled as The Big Horsell Hike, the route runs from Puttenham Common to Box Hill, near Dorking. The aim is to raise £3,000 towards improving the school’s outdoor learning area with a mud kitchen, growing patch and more equipment.

More than £2,000 has already been donated to the hike’s JustGiving page.

Eight will walk the full route, with others planning to join for various parts.

The hike initiative was driven by Tara May, the interim deputy head, and Year 1 lead Rachel Dukes.

“I feel so privileged to be part of this team,” Tara said. “We've set ourselves a challenge and we are looking forward to raising as much money as possible for the benefit of the children.

“We are so grateful to our school community and wider community for their support.” 

The children will mark the anniversary with an afternoon party, and each class will design a flag based on their respective animal and school motto.

Jane Reeve, the school head, said: “I am so proud of all my staff.

“My team have worked tirelessly over the last year and as always they are going above and beyond by taking their time to do this to raise money to support all the children at our school.”

* To donate, visit, or donations can be handed in to the school.