THE plight of orangutans losing their homes because of rainforest destruction prompted a six-year-old boy to lobby his neighbours to stop buying palm oil products.

Abishai Prasad, who lives with his mum Smrithy and dad Reji in Knaphill, decided to act after his sister showed him last year’s Christmas advert for Iceland supermarkets, which featured a baby orangutan who had lost its home.

Abishai said: “I like animals and was very upset to see that orangutans are losing their homes. I wanted to do something about it, so I decided to write to our neighbours and the supermarkets.

With the help of his mum, the Year 1 pupil at Knaphill Lower School compiled letters to neighbours and supermarket bosses.

“Please stopping using palm oil because it kills orangutans and I love them,” he wrote. “Let’s leave them alone.”

Smrithy said several neighbours replied saying they would stop using palm oil products. Companies including Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda replied within a week. “They assured him that their own-label products don’t use unsustainable palm oil,” she added.

“I watched the advert but didn’t do anything about it until Abishai prompted me to see what I can do to stop using unsustainable palm oil. We now have a list on the fridge of palm oil foods that are OK to buy."

For the full story get today's (23 May) edition of the News & Mail