TWO young school friends have been inspired to raise money for NHS charities by Captain Tom Moore completing 100 laps of his garden.

Seven-year-old Keshav Meesariganda, who lives in Goldsworth Road, Woking, was watching a BBC news programme with his father, Bhaskara, when a story on Captain Tom caught his eye.

“Keshav was sitting next to me and he told me ‘Dad, I want to do something like that to support the NHS heroes as well’,” said Bhaskara. “He asked me whether he could do 500 laps of cycling along with his friend Nikki, as long as they kept social distancing.

“I thought it was a great idea, so I set up a fundraising appeal on the GoFundMe website.”

Keshav laid out his plans on the site. “We are organising this fundraiser on behalf of NHS Charities Together/Association of NHS Charities,” he said. 

“Myself and Nikki will cycle 40 laps every day of our school car park to raise funds for NHS charities in support of our heroes fighting coronavirus.

“We are aiming to cycle 500 laps in the next three weeks and raise £250.”

Keshav is in Year 2 at Goldsworth Primary School and Nikki is in Year 1. Bashkara takes the boys to the car park and remains with them while they cycle, ensuring that they keep well apart.

The boys’ efforts were soon rewarded as, in the spirit of Captain Tom, their target was swiftly beaten.

“It has got a huge response locally in Woking and we were able to reach the objective in two days,” said Bhaskara.

“Like Captain Tom, they will keep going for a bit. They have received a lot of enthusiasm and encouragement from friends and families.

“And they are already thinking about what to do next and discussing new fundraising ideas.”

To sponsor the boys, visit and search for Keshav and Nikki – Cycling for the NHS heroes.