SOME colourful, fast and very, very messy fundraising took place at Gordon’s School.

Pupils from the West End secondary joined together to raise £800 for charity in a Colour Run

More than 200 were pelted with powder paint of many colours as they ran a circuit of a school playing field. Many of them completed several laps.

Each had paid to take part and the proceeds were donated to local charities including the Eikon Charity, which supports vulnerable young people in Surrey, and the Pride in Surrey organisation.

The event marked the International Day Against Homophobia; Biphobia and Transphobia.

It was organised by Sarah Maslen, the LGBT+ lead at Gordon’s, who said: “This is one of the most popular charity events held at Gordon’s. As usual, it was enjoyed by students and staff alike. We were delighted to raise money for these charities.”

For the special picture feature get the 30 May edition of the News & Mail