PUPILS at the Marist Catholic Primary School having been putting their best foot forward on a new endeavour, all taking part in “the Daily Mile”.

“This is a national initiative which we are taking on throughout the school as it has been proven that when children run daily, it not only improves their general fitness and health, but also improves concentration in the classroom, not to mention being fun and sociable,” said Sheila Helsby, a Year 1 teacher at the West Byfleet school.

“Every day, each teacher will choose a convenient time to take their class outside in the fresh air to run around the all-weather field. Despite the name, it’s never a set distance. The idea is for each child to run or jog at their own pace for 15 minutes, walking when they need to catch their breath. Children run in their school clothes and there’s no need for any equipment. They can chat to their friends as they run along.”

Studies have shown that when young children run for 15 minutes, 75% will run at least one mile or more and this increases to 90% for older primary school children. Regular physical activity such as the Daily Mile can lead to improvements in social, mental and emotional health.

For the full story get the 9 May edition of the News & Mail