A TANDEM, a wheelbarrow carrying a king, vintage and high-performance cars, motorbikes, a postman’s van and even a car driven by a “banana” arrived at Gordon’s School for the annual Year 11 prom.
Once more the red carpet was rolled out at the West End secondary to welcome the students who, having completed their GCSEs, were ready to dress up for their prom and leavers’ dinner.
And they didn’t disappoint the waiting crowd of younger students, staff and parents who lined the Parade Square to welcome them.
This year’s cohort brought glitz and glamour with them as they made their spectacular entrances.
The formal dinner, held in a marquee in the grounds of the school, is an annual event for all the Year 11 students to enjoy a meal with their peers, teachers and houseparents.
For some it signified the end of their time at Gordon’s and departure from their “home from home”.
For others, it was the end of their time in the lower school and start of their sixth-form studies.