THERE was a fantastic atmosphere and sense of community at the Horsell Schools’ PTA summer fair. 

Charlotte, nine, who helped set up the event, summed up the mood when she said: “Everyone looks so happy, they are all smiling.”

On a well-attended day, children enjoyed the ever-popular jolly jar stall as well as inflatables and traditional games such as hook a duck, splat the rat and hoopla. They could even have their faces painted by staff from both schools.  

Children and adults enjoyed a variety of food, with burgers and sausages from Prince and Sons, samosas and bhajis from Dee’s Kitchen, a wonderful selection of home-baked cakes, ice lollies, slushies, Pimms, Thurston’s and a selection of soft drinks donated by Cornish Orchard.  

This annual event is one of the biggest fundraisers for the PTA, which splits its income between Horsell Village School and Horsell Church of England Junior School.

The figures are still being finalised; however, the PTA estimates it made close to £7,000 at the event. The money raised is used to enhance the education of the children at both schools. 

In recent years the PTA has funded new playground equipment, refurbishment of the junior school’s library, iPads, author visits, visiting theatre productions and much more.   

The PTA has the support of local businesses in Horsell and Woking, who provided sponsorship for the event and an amazing range of raffle prizes.  

For some time, it looked like the summer fair may not take place this year as many of the previous organisers’ children had moved on to secondary school. 

But then Sima Huddy came forward and a dedicated organising team joined her, working tirelessly to make the summer fair happen.

Thanks must also go to the army of adults and children who came to help set up, run and clear up the event, as well as those who baked cakes and helped with the organising.

Jane Reeve, headteacher at Horsell Village School, said: “We are so fortunate to live in a community that is so supportive of our schools. 

“A heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped to organise,  co-ordinate and attend the event. 

“A fun time was had by all and the money raised will go a long way to enhancing the children’s learning experiences at both schools.”

A young visitor asked his mother if he could go back the next day. He will have to wait a little longer – but the PTA looks forward to welcoming people to its fireworks evening and Christmas fair being held in the autumn term.

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