THIS year’s Chobham Carnival has been confirmed as a record-breaker, raising more money for good causes than at any time in the history of the event.

The organisers have between £8,000 and £10,000 to distribute – at least £2,000 more than the last time a full-scale show was held.

In 2019, £6,000 was given to charities and local organisations, which in itself was higher than the previous year’s total.

“We were predicting a double record breaker with the fundraising and the huge crowd that attended and it seems that has come true,” said carnival association chairman Tim Elwin. “But we never imagined there could be as much as £10,000 to give out in grants.

“We have allocated at least £8,000 but will consider donating more than that if there are applications that deserve more than we usually give.”

It is estimated that around 7,000 people watched the carnival procession and attended the fete in the village recreation ground on May Day Bank Holiday Monday. It is believed this is far more than have ever attended since the event was revived in the mid-1980s.

The money to be distributed is what is left after expenses for running the carnival are deducted from the proceeds and money put aside for planning the following year’s event. Contributions come from donations on the gates, a street collection and stallholder fees.

The association will be considering grant applications during a meeting in the St Lawrence church hall at 7pm, on Wednesday next week.

It is preferred that applications are posted in advance to Chobham Carnival Association, c/o Roselandia, Bagshot Road, Chobham, Woking, Surrey GU24 8SJ or emailed to [email protected].

“Group representatives can attend the meeting to explain how they will use the money and answer questions from the committee,” said Tim. “We support as many good causes as we can and always try to say ‘yes’ if it’s a cause that benefits local people or the groups that support the carnival.

“We were delighted to confirm a record-breaking year and received a huge number of positive responses to this year’s carnival. Everyone seemed to have had a fantastic time and we are looking forward to doing the same again next year.”