A double heart attack gave a Byfleet woman a wake-up call that prompted her to change her life through mindfulness and exercise.

Eight years later, Andrea Alestrand, has developed her own systems that she is passing on to others.

Andrea, originally from Brazil, and her Swedish husband Magnus, had settled into the village with their two young sons when she was struck by a tear in the coronary artery wall that left her heart damaged.

Treatment for the condition included medication to slow Andrea’s heart beat.

“I had very little energy and couldn’t walk more than a few steps without having to take a rest,” she said.

The previously active 44-year-old also suffered mentally.

“It was very hard and I struggled not to become depressed.”

Andrea decided to do something to try to make her damaged heart stronger but, despite Magnus working as a fitness coach, she had never been interested in going to the gym or running.

She did a lot of research into how other people coped in similar situations and came across the 66-day challenge. This is based on the theory that if you do something every day for that length of time with no breaks, it will become a habit.

When she became physically stronger Andrea went out every day, in all weather, walking, jogging and running for an hour.

The theory worked and now Andrea is now a regular at the 5km Parkrun. She has also done the gruelling Tough Mudder Challenge, a 5km race through mud with obstacles designed to play on common fears, such as fire, water, electricity and heights.

She has also done trails runs, a 75km walk and the Three Peaks Challenge, hiking up Scafell, Snowdon and Ben Nevis.

Alongside the impressive physical activity, Andrea worked on her mental health through mindfulness, which includes taking the positives in everything and making active decisions about things that affect your wellbeing rather than letting events wash over you.

Like the exercise, mindfulness has become a natural part of Andrea’s life and she now wants to pass that on to other people.

“I have created a system that combines mindfulness with movement. It’s about thinking in a certain way and gives people the power to change their lives.”

Andrea is offering a free five-day challenge covering different aspects of life and designed to create a mind switch that will lead participants to become fit in mind and body.

She has also created a map with a 30km loop around London landmarks that can be done walking, jogging, running or virtually.

Participants will be taught the techniques of mindfulness to take on their journey as well as learning some of the history of the city and the landmarks.

Andrea’s next plan is a loop around Windsor and she hasn’t ruled out creating ones for Woking and Byfleet.

“My path has shown me that adversity isn’t a roadblock; it’s a detour to a path I might never have found otherwise,” she said.

For more information, visit www.rundust.co.uk,