TWO dog walkers tackled a campfire that was threatening to engulf woodland at the side of Goldsworth Park Lake on Thursday evening last week (11 August).

During the heatwave and with surrounding grass and vegetation tinder dry, they did what they could to put out the flames before calling the fire service.

The fire dismayed Bob Challoner, project manager of Natural Goldsworth Park, a community association initiative that works to improve the area’s flora and fauna.

“The fire was clearly deliberately set,” he said. “When the ladies were tackling the fire they removed a number of books and magazines. Aerosol cans had been thrown on to the fire and had exploded. I found a bottle of aftershave which was probably used as an accelerant.

“The ladies in question did their best to smother the worst of the flames and then called the fire brigade.”

As Woking’s fire engines were out on call to another wildfire, a crew from Reigate was covering the area and attended the Goldsworth Park incident.

“It is disappointing that, despite the enormous amount of recent media coverage about the very high risk of wildfires in the current dry period, this is the fourth incident of deliberate fire setting in the wood that I have become aware of since April,” said Bob.

“In each case, the fires were started by children or teenagers who were fortunately disturbed by passing adults. The wood and adjoining grassland have been tinder dry, and the woodland floor is covered with leaf litter and small branches. Any fire would spread rapidly if undiscovered.”

He added that the firefighters extinguished the flames but the ashes were found to still be smouldering by one of the dog owners the next morning. “We covered the embers with soil and made sure they were completely out,” added Bob.

A spokesman for Surrey Fire and Rescue Service said: “We were called to a fire in the open at Goldsworth Park at 5.48pm and sent one fire engine.

“The cause of the fire has been deemed as deliberate. Under no circumstances should we be having bonfires, campfires or barbecues in such dry conditions.”

“It is disappointing that this fire was started deliberately during such dry conditions. Anyone who is worried about a child or young person who is setting fires can ask for advice by emailing [email protected] or telephone our free 24-hour number, 0800 456 1095.